I am pleased to release this updated site for Hager Sculpture. Now that I am able to concentrate on my art, my intent is to regularly update this site with news on recent sculpture, interesting information I have come across in pursuit of my art and other general information that I hope will be of interest to those following my work.
Over the next couple months, I will be modeling life-size versions of the new set of twins born into our family and carve them in statuario marble once I return to Pietrasanta in February.
In the meantime, I have been deliberately seeking out significant exhibits of contemporary art; attending the Biennale in Venice, visiting the Contemportary Art Museum in Barcelona, making the rounds of museums and galleries in the San Francisco Bay Area, and touring important sites in Paris. My intent is that this, combined with being inundated/ inspired/ depressed with news of current events, will give me inspiration for the work to follow “The Twins”.
Jim – December, 2017